Germain is my first traceable ancestor with the Doucet name. He did not come from France. We do not know who his mother was, but DNA evidence indicates that his father was an Amerindian man. Germain’s profession in census documents is listed as ploughman (laboureur) but this should be understood as farmer. He and his descendants lived at Port-Royal from where they were deported in December of 1755. My Doucet ancestors returned to Cap-Sable after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Eventually some of them moved to the new Acadian community of la Baie Sainte Marie, where my family still lives.
When searching for information on the Doucet family name, different name variations are often seen: Doucett, Doulcet, Douse, Douset, Doucai, Doucate, Doucette, Douct, Douscet, Douscete, Douset, Dousete, Dousset.